Galician Grelos

A big mess of salted pork knuckle, boiled potatoes, chorizo sausages and a green leafy vegetable called "grelos" - mature broccoli raab. This vegetable is traditionally from the province of Galicia, in northern Spain, and shows up on the table right around carnaval time, February/March, and again in Fall, coinciding with the two sowing seasons.

Grelos are so traditional and so closely linked to Galicia, and such a part of the culinary gastronomy that they've even received the much desired IGP, Indicación Geográfica Protegida, protected geographical indication. To receive the PGI status, the entire product must be traditionally and at least partially manufactured, prepared, processed within the specific region and ensure its unique properties. Galicia is not only known for grelos. The province is also known for its excellent canned octopus, sardines and other seafoods, worth checking out if you're in the neighborhood.

The traditional way to serve these greens is by boiling salted pork knuckle, potatoes, chorizos, and heaps and heaps of grelos in a big pot. Simmer the salted pork knuckle for a couple of hours first, then add the potatoes, the chorizos and the grelos. Your dish is ready when the potatoes are cooked.

Lift everything out of the pan onto a platter, pour some of the cooking liquid over the food, add a good glug of good olive oil, and serve hot. The saltiness of the knuckle, the bitterness of the vegetable and the paprika seasoned chorizo sausage makes for a delicious combination. 

If you can't find smoked pork knuckle, you can replace it with smoked ham steaks, or any other smoked pork meats with bone. Adjust the cooking time depending on the type of meat you plan to use.

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